Maybe it is because my sweet baby girl is starting school in a few weeks, but little things that I have noticed are starting to get to me so I am going to type my OPINION. The first 2 pictures below "The Doras" Sweet little innocent Dora was transformed into "teenage Dora" I do not like that at all. Why did they want her to grow up, have friends, and go to the mall. My daughter, who is 5, does not need to watch things like that. Scroll down to the next 3 pictures. Hannah Montana. My daughter loves her. She loves how she sings, and dances, and dresses, just everything about her. The first picture is the 20 billion identical barbies she has. She looks young and is really petite not "developed" to much and has that little baby face. Then you have the new Hannah Montana barbies they recently came out with. She is almost identical to a barbie. A huge CHEST, itty bitty skinny waste. I did not like that at all either. I think the original was alot better.( more a role model barbie ) Why did they have to go ruin her like that...sigh